Bohdan Holomíček

Bohdan Holomíček

ISBN: 80-7215-112-6|Published: 2000|Pages: 140|SOLD
Binding: Softbound|Format: 160 x 180 mm|Graphic design: Pavel Lev, Studio Najbrt

The now legendary photographer Bohdan Holomíček (b. 1943) has for many years been moving about the whole Czech Republic, where he has been communicating in installments a never-ending series of moments. He is, however, neither photojournalist nor documentary maker. His shots are more personal, and in the aggregate form an album of extraordinary moments of ordinary life. The postulate of the unity of life and art in his case becomes a fact. Holomíček is a highly individual chronicler of more than thirty years of life in Bohemia, but he is also an artist whose unique work is becoming increasingly understandable to non-Czech viewers. The photography critic Anna Fárová says, ”Bohdan Holomíček is a rare phenomenon of Czech culture. He is a photographer of friendly get-togethers, capturing positive situations, moments of kindness, and flashes of love, with the magical contribution of light.”