Ivo Přeček
ISBN: 80-7215-221-1|Published: 2004|Pages: 168
Binding: Softbound|Format: 160 x 180 mm|Graphic design: Pavel Lev, Studio Najbrt
Ivo Přeček (1935–2006) is one of the most important Czech photographers of the second half of the twentieth century. His work has responded to or even anticipated all contemporary art trends of the last forty years. He has been taking photographs since the mid-1950s, and was a member of DOFO (1959–75), the now legendary Olomouc photographers’ group, which was highly important to his artistic development. In addition to the inventive application of the group’s ‘poetry of everyday life’ program, Přeček also devoted himself to experimental techniques (including the photogram and photomontage), the result of which is imaginative work bordering on abstraction. He made three-dimensional objects and assemblages as well, and, in the 1970s and ’80s, returned to unmanipulated photography. His current art is a synthesis of both fields, since he resumed working with objects in the late 1990s. The present publication is the first book solely about Přeček. Its authors are the photography historian Antonín Dufek of the Moravian Gallery in Brno, Helena Rišlinková of the National Gallery in Prague, and Ladislav Daněk of the Olomouc Museum of Art.