Jindřich Přibík
ISBN: 978-80-7215-347-3|Published: 2008|Pages: 120
Binding: Softbound|Format: 160 x 180 mm|Graphic design: Pavel Lev, Studio Najbrt
Jindřich Přibík (b. 1944) is perhaps one of the most complicated photographers anywhere. His work, made in the course of more than fifty years, comprises more than forty gradually formed, overlapping series, together constituting an intricate web of mutual references and mutual quotations. Many of them are unique by any standard. They include early works like The Museum, Pilsen, using written essays, and Reflections, employing images in the glass of windows, and, above all, Montages, made since the mid-1960s from old found negatives and using motifs from classics of literature. While Přibík studied photography at FAMU, Prague, he was also studying philosophy at Charles University, and this is reflected in his single pieces, employing both photogénie and hermeneutics. The volume is introduced with an essay by Pavel Vančát, a writer on photography.